Pinterest: The Good. The Bad. The Ugly

Written by Kylie Frock, Event Intern

Pinterest is a fantastic resource for all things weddings. From center pieces to venues to unique wedding favors. We love Pinterest because it gives us the opportunity to see the vision the couple has for their wedding day. Here are some pros and cons for planning your wedding on Pinterest.

Wedding Planner or No Wedding Planner

Pros: You can plan out your entire day on Pinterest from flowers, linens, cake, venue, photographer, lights, catering, and so on. It’s a fantastic tool to use while planning your wedding to make your day perfect.

Cons: Pinterest can plan you perfect day on paper, but when it comes down to the actual day we high recommended a wedding planner. Wedding planners know how to take care of set up, the flow of the ceremony, coordinating with the catering company, the DJ, the florist, and the photographers. They are there to take care of all of that so you can relax and enjoying your day.


Your Wedding Theme

Pros: Pinterest has an abundance of ideas for themes. You may want an English Garden theme for your wedding, but are lacking inspiration. Pinterest will give you all aspects of the theme, and you have the option to narrow your search down.

Cons: Because Pinterest has so many ideas it is very easy to get overwhelmed with your theme. Also, Pinterest has been around for a few years and some of the theme ideas are out of date.


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Perfection is in the Details

Pros: Pinterest is great when you are a detail-oriented bride. There are so many great ideas for flowers, cakes, place setting, linens, color palets… name it! The best part, many of the pins are linked to the company website where you can order it.

Cons: Details are great, but you can get caught up in them and forget about the bigger picture. For example, the wedding budget. You may love this specific floral arrangement, but the florist can’t make it just like the picture with your floral budget.



Groom ~ Don't Forget About Him! 

Pros: Tuxedos are great for weddings, but if you want something more unique Pinterest has some great ideas. Trends, colors, textures, and styles are all there for you two to choose from.

Cons: You want your groom to be looking great, and we understand that, but does he like the options? Make sure that his suit fits his physique so that he is comfortable all night long. It maybe be hard to find the style you are looking for in your area. We suggest contacting your local Tuxedo Rental Store. Also, let his personality show in his suit. He wants to wear a Super Man shirt under his suit....let him! Its his day too. 
